The most comprehensive portal about Australasia's mining & exploration industry
The mining and exploration portal has been designed to cover all aspects of the mining industry from exploration through to mining, processing and transport. It includes information on mining and exploration companies with up to date announcements and reports, a section on commodities, a calendar of events and conferences, and details of government and other mining related organisations and publications, drilling companies, geological and mining consultants, mining plant and equipment, assayers, financiers, sharebrokers, accountants etc. There is also a section on the stockmarket with daily market reports, stock prices and charts on the indices, commodities and companies.
Australia is extremely well endowed with most minerals and fossil fuels (with oil being the notable exception) and has barely scratched the surface of its mineral resources. The nation holds the world's largest known economic resources of bauxite, iron ore, lead, zinc, silver, uranium, industrial diamonds and mineral sands. Providing there is access to the land for responsible mining and exploration there is no limit to the country's potential.

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